Saturday, May 3, 2008

Mission Statement

Ok. Ok. So I think I am the actual winner of the “worst blogger” award! Summer is a close second lately though!! She does have a better excuse I have to admit! So, lately I have been re-inspired by an un-domesticated diva to look at life again as a stage for a great comic show! So often I forget how funny everyday life is…I do get a laugh out the small things, but its time I share these things so the laugh can continue. It makes that small chuckle or that moment when I was searching desperately for air and a tissue to wipe the mascara racing down my cheeks in those once- in -a life- time- couldn’t- have- been -written –moments all the better! You know the kind I am talking about…the questions from your o-so-innocent children that force you to go looking for the bottom half of your jaw or even the witty responses you make to recover the un-hinged jaw without your children noticing because you have NO IDEA what the eff (thank you undomesticated diva) to say! Yea, those. We all have em, we laugh later and usually in tears as we talk to our spouses about em or even a few friends but some are quickly forgotten and never mentioned to anyone again. It’s a shame really…they are what life is all about! So…my goal is to share them and my blog is the perfect opportunity to announce my stubborn but hysterical short-comings and my family’s grab-a-tissue mis-happs!! I challenge each of you to find a few things a week or if you are a master blogger, at least one funny moment in each day and post them on my blog. If you read something funny or find a great joke, I want here! If you are a stubborn turd like myself and want to laugh at the stupid things you got mad about or your silly attempts to be right…I want to heat them! I want this to be a blog of laughter! Somewhere we can all go to laugh at ourselves and the challenges we all face. We all need a little more! I will do my best to keep it up! The name of my blog is learning to laugh at life’s adventures and I want to challenge you to help me…don’t get me wrong my lifes pretty funny…but its awesome to read others for a good laugh! It makes life more enjoyable knowing were not the only nut-jobs trying to make it in this world!!