Friday, February 15, 2008

7 Things You Don't Know About Me...

I was tagged and here they are... SURPRISE!!
1. I am also shy. Very shy. I know, I know…those of you who know me might not believe it because you know me and I am not shy around you…people I don’t know or don’t know well enough…I am very shy and quiet.
2. When I grow up I want to be a psychologist. (Please refrain from any jokes because it will never happen anyway.)
3. I am a true romantic at heart.
4. I hate the fact I am so stubborn and when I believe in something (good or bad) I can’t convince myself to sit back and keep quiet.
5. I hate that I have a temper and that people know I do.
6. I understand now that disciplining your children really is harder on you than it is them…and it is very hard not spoil them but teach them earn and appreciate things they do have.
7. I wish I was closer to my little brother and my cousins who only live within 30 min. each direction of me…more a part of their lives.
Love to tag someone else but don't know anyone to tag that hasn't been tagged!!